Upon entering school campus, all students in 1st through 5th grade, who are not eating breakfast in the cafeteria, are required to line up on the PE court in the morning. Sections on the court are organized by grade level and homerooms. Selected personnel will be assigned to monitor assigned areas and students.
It is imperative for students to be in attendance daily and to arrive to school on time. Any student arriving to school after 8:20 AM (Grades K-1) or 8:35 AM (Grades 2-5) is tardy. They must report to the office to sign in and receive a late pass to be admitted to the classroom.
Please make sure your child is on time every day.
We understand that the limited parking is an inconvenience; therefore, you are strongly encouraged to drop off your child in the circular driveway/drop off area. We ask your support in ensuring maximum safety for all students.
Supervision from 7:30 AM – 8:15 AM. is provided for those students who wish to have breakfast at school. Students should report directly to the cafeteria.
After breakfast all students must report to their designated area at the P.E. court.
Student safety is our primary concern, unauthorized personnel is not allowed on school campus. Students must be dropped off in the designated areas, school personnel will supervise students as he or she reports to either the cafeteria for breakfast or directly to the P.E. court. NO EXCEPTIONS. Primary teachers will pick up their classes by 8:15 AM on the P.E. court and Intermediate teachers will pick up their classes by 8:30 AM. Your cooperation and support in maintaining a safe school environment is of utmost importance.
If a student is enrolled in a specific program or class which requires him/her to report before or stay after school, we are requesting that you adhere to the hours of that program.
All students picked up by automobile will be dismissed in the circular driveway area of the building. For the safety of our student please remain inside your vehicle at all times. Students who go home by bus will be dismissed at 1:50 PM and/or 3:05 PM. The buses will pick up students in their designated driveway in the back of the school. The bus driveway is strictly for buses under no circumstances should students be picked up in vehicles or by walkers in this area. Students who are picked up by foot will be dismissed to the area that is located between the “Two Story Building and the “PLC”.
Children must be picked up promptly at dismissal at 1:50 PM and/or 3:05 PM. Students must leave the school grounds immediately after dismissal.
Entering School Campus:
Kensington Park Elementary has a single-entry point, located by the cafeteria in front of the school by the main office. A valid photo identification card is required by all visitors entering school campus.